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ClubLink Certificates - Golf Expo

2023 Prepaid Golf Vouchers

Buy now and save! Prepaid golf vouchers now on sale for the 2023 season. All vouchers are valid Monday-Thursday anytime for the 2023 season. Certificates not valid on Friday-Sunday or Holidays. 

Glen Abbey Golf Club
Oakville, Ontario
Single: $185+HST (Reg. $241+HST)
Twosome: $360+HST (Reg. $482+HST)
Foursome: $700+HST (Reg. $964+HST)

Hidden Lake Golf Club
Burlington, Ontario
Single: $83.70+HST (10% Savings)
Twosome: $158.10+HST (15% Savings)
Foursome: $297.60+HST (20% Savings)

When selecting certificates below, the price noted includes HST. 

Voucher Includes:
- Valid until the end of the 2023 season
- Includes Green Fee and Power Cart 
- Tee times can be booked 14 days in advance
- Each voucher must be used in full at time of redemption (i.e. a foursome cannot be broken into 4 passes)
- Valid Monday-Thursday anytime, not valid on Friday-Sunday or Holidays. Should you redeem outside stated restrictions, the value paid can be applied toward the full rate. 
- Must call LinkLine at 1-800-276-9542 for reservations, online bookings will not be permitted.
- Fully Transferable
- Not valid for league or tournament play


All certificates will be emailed to you no later than Monday, March 31st

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